17 Personal Finance Statistics to Help You Balance the Books
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Have you seen the Netflix series Dirty Money? If you have, we bet you assumed it’s based on a true story. It’s not. But it still sounds familiar. We handle money on a daily basis. And yet, 43% of the respondents in a recent survey don’t know how much money their spouse is earning. Isn’t […]
What Is the Most Popular Web Server Application in 2024?
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If you’ve spent your fair share of time online, you’ve probably heard of or come across the word server. And even if you haven’t, you’re still using them. The thing is: Every time you connect to the internet and every time you’re opening an app like Instagram, you’re connecting to a web server. The million-dollar […]
21+ Working from Home Stats that Will Surprise You in 2024
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Remote work is the new normal now that the world is still reeling from the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic. The remote workforce, however, is not totally new. In fact, it has been in existence for ages. The past decades gave it a more concrete form with the advent of technology. The advances in computers […]
17 Shocking Phishing Statistics You Need to Read in 2024
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Our personal information should remain personal. However, billions of phishing emails are sent every day, alarming phishing statistics reveal. What’s worse: We open many of them, resulting in hackers getting hold of our data. Let’s learn more about how is phishing a security threat and the importance of being vigilant when it comes to our […]
15+ Worrying Cell Phone Addiction Statistics for 2024
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Have you ever glanced at your phone screen time statistics and been shocked by the amount of time you’ve spent on your phone all day simply just scrolling? Let’s face it: You’re not alone. In fact, the latest cell phone addiction statistics illustrate an alarming problem: We can’t seem to stay off our phones! Understandably, […]
How Many Blog Posts per Day Should I Publish in 2024?
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You can find a blog on any topic these days, as more people are starting one either as a hobby or to make a few extra bucks. Yes, blogging can be a lucrative income. But only a small percentage of bloggers actually make sustainable incomes. Why? Because coming up with original and creative content can […]
18 Incredible Web Design Statistics [The 2024 Verdict]
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How many times have you quit a page because it had a web design that wasn’t optimized for mobile? Probably way more than you can remember. And you’re not alone. Web design statistics tell us everyone who pays attention to the importance of good and functional web design, from budding bloggers to big brands, is […]
13+ Astonishing Web Hosting Statistics [The 2024 Update]
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We can’t live without the internet. But what enables users to retrieve all this information in a few clicks? Where do all these websites live? Well, there’s a whole mechanism intricately working behind the scenes. If you don’t come from an IT background, you probably don’t know what web hosting even means. Don’t fret: Today, […]
How Many Online Stores Are There in 2024?
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There aren’t many online shopping statistics that are harder to untangle than the number of online stores. The thing is: In times of uncertainty such as 2021, the face of online commerce is changing forever. Companies are going out of business, and new shops are popping up out of necessity and chance. What’s more: The […]
17+ Mind-Blowing Virtual Reality Statistics [2024 Update]
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Have you heard about Virtual Reality (VR)? Or maybe seen people with a headset playing video games, or virtually traveling around the Maldives? So, how about learning something some more virtual reality statistics to get a complete insight into the industry? First things first: Virtual Reality is the simulated, sensory experience including sight, hearing, smell, […]